9 Things To Demystify Microwave


These products will not perform as well in regards to raw heading ability as a lot of other wall ovens on
the market. This is because of their relatively small power capacity which simply is not as powerful as
We're used to seeing. In the bigger two versions, you will work with a 2800 watt source which
Thankfully comes with convection ability. And in the smaller two sizes, You're downgraded to a
Relatively weak 2000 watt capability and give up convection cooking ability.
Using a 2.3 cubic foot storage capacity which is much smaller than most other products on the
Challenged with space issues. In addition, cooking times could increase some and you may also
Have to deal with inconsistent cooking rates depending on the location and type of food being
All GLI products are constructed of premium polyethylene or polypropylene material that is either
These materials are quite light while still quite strong and puncture
But might not be as powerful as some would expect. Features that help to assist in strength include

the competition.
Product Selection
It goes without saying that the product options here are severely lacking.
Select from and since two are basically identical, your options are really limited to three. And of
Those three options, all put out quite similar heating performance and have near equal storage
volume. The choice to do this really limits the target audience that Empava can aim for and
Basically anybody who is searching for a mid or high-level wall oven with more than the bare essentials
Additionally, people who prefer non-traditional cooking sources such as gas or
Steam won't have any products to choose from, either.
The look of these products is not really all that bad. They are very progressive and the
They also come in rather unique colors
Such as light blue and crimson. However, they are severely lacking in the screen department, with the
Bottom two not even having any kind of LED or even analog display. Along with the LED display that is
Included in the KQ65C-17 isn't anything to get excited about (but at least it has one). But overall
For the price you have to pay they look more than acceptable.
Despite being a budget list of wall ovens, they are surprisingly resilient and should hold up to most
standard usage. The fact that they are very simple in design and do not have a lot of features likely
Our only minor complaint is

usage. While this does not affect function or performance, it definitely doesn't help in the looks
The biggest positive that will jump out to most people that look in an Empava wall mount is the great
price. These are among the most affordable wall ovens you will find anywhere. This means that
They should fall into just about everyone's budget, no matter how small it may be. Yes, you make
Some sacrifices in regards to functionality, size, and features but we believe that the great price makes
For people looking for a simple, cheap cooking option at a Fantastic price, Empava
Definitely offers up a good solution.
Overall Rating
If you decide to go with an Empava wall mount you are going to have to deal with very few Item
Choices, limited performance, and limited capacity. However, you are going to be able to purchase a
Wall oven for an extremely affordable price which can help make overlooking the problems a little
easier. You also will get to enjoy a product that is quite reliable despite its low price tag which is a
Little rarity for funding appliances. If you want more than bare-bones we invite you to look
Elsewhere but if saving money is a top priority then you may consider checking out Empava wall
Single: Single: 24" electric, 23" electrical, 21" electric, 24″ Tempered Glass Electric Built-in, Tempered
Glass Electric Built-in (KQC65C-17, KQP65A-16)


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